Friday, January 9, 2009


Don't you all think circles are lovely?

A circle is round in shape.
The Earth, the sun, the moon is round in shape.
Oranges are round in shape.
Pills are round in shape.
A ring is round in shape.

So could i deduce that circle symbolizes
life( the Earth, the sun and the moon),and in life, we have:
sweetness in life( orange),
pain in life (pill), and
unity in life(ring).

So circle is actually a Circle of Life!
The power of circles should not be underestimated,
for it bears great magic.Magic that lies for us to discover.

You 'll never know how circles change your life.
It is always a question until you try it.

Well, i believe circles unite us. We are One when we form circle.
We stand together and that makes nothing is impossible in this world.

Lets embrace the Circle of life!
And i welcome all who are interested in joining my Circle^^

The Circle of Life

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